
"Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious."
-Stephen Hawking

Creative Content Production, Adobe CS [Ps. Id. Lr. Ai.], Stakeholder Management, Planning, Photo Production, Branding, Communication, Design, Typography, Layout, Organization,  Image Compositions, Color Correction, DSLR, and working with start-ups and humans.   

2008-10: Internships | Sony BMG, GQ, Us Weekly
2011: Graduated | Marymount Manhattan College
2011-25: Shelley Antecol, LLC | Freelance Producer
2013: Sotheby's Auction House | Producer, Digital
2013-18: Freelance Designer, Independent
2014: PhotoOp NYC | Studio Associate, Photo Editor
2015-16: Kargo | Creative & Marketing Contractor
2016-17: aden + anais | Photo Producer  
2017-18: PhotoOp NYC | Studio Manager, Photo Editor, Graphic Designer
2018-20: M.M.Lafleur | Office and Employee Engagement Manager
2020-21: Human Ventures | Office Operations Manager
2021: Moved to Austin, Texas started Texas Thunderbird Property Management | Manager Facilities & Operations

Born in Canada
Lived in NYC for 12 years
Favorite animal is an elephant
Overly caffeinated
Likes Jet Skiing

Has two cats
Has 3 airbnb’s

Movie Aficionado/Netflix Enthusiast,  Environmental and Animal Welfare, Health and Fitness, Education, Creative Arts, Travel, Vegan Baking/Cooking, & Puns. 

Producer - One who creates beautiful things

natural born world shaker